A Perfect IT Company: What Attracts IT Specialists?

Which companies do IT specialists find attractive? And which are they trying to avoid? What working conditions are regarded as the key factors to accept an offer, and which ones will most likely scare a professional away? What worries an IT specialist nowadays?

See if your company meets any of the criteria.


Most IT specialists find the following companies attractive:


The USA and the European Union countries are considered the most attractive regions from the point of view of an IT professional. Most IT specialists are equally willing to accept both remote work and work that involves relocation. A win-win advantage of foreign IT companies is the ability to pay salaries in the world currency.

Companies that develop an interesting product

When we say interesting products, we mean products that are used by real people. A specialist should see what benefits will be brought about by the product and understand the result. Many specialists are ready to "sacrifice" most of the bonuses the IT industry can give for the sake of such projects, and sometimes even agree to work for lower salaries.

Companies engaged in scientific research

This one is inextricably linked with the previous statement. In such projects, the benefits are always transparent and tangible. Many IT specialists dream of becoming a part of the development team when it involves working on some significant technology. The products that are related to the vital areas of human life can give you a sense of belonging to something bigger.

Therefore, it is very important to keep track of what former or current employees write about your company and respond to negative reviews in due time.

Companies that have the lowest priority among IT specialists:

  • 1
    No name companies;
  • 2
    Crypto startups and startups with indistinct killer features;
  • 3
    Companies with bad reputation.


A year ago, a fairly large and well-known IT company contacted Lucky Hunter. The company was engaged in the development of gaming products. The product was useful, and the salary was decent. However, many candidates refused to consider this job offer due to the large number of negative reviews that describe the experience of working for this company.

The Lucky Hunter Recruiters worked through every objection, but convincing a specialist to consider an offer despite questionable reviews often took a lot of time and effort.
Therefore, it is very important to keep track of what former or current employees write about your company and respond to negative reviews in due time.

Working conditions

Factors that increase interest in the company:

  • 1
    There is a possibility of changing directions within one position (working on a related project);
  • 2
    Flexible schedule.


Our team is currently doing a little research. We are interviewing Senior-level developers to learn about the key priorities and needs of IT specialists. Along with flexible working hours, the ability to switch to related projects or change the direction of work (within the position) was named as the key factor that makes work attractive for IT professionals. At the same time, we asked them not to name such obvious priorities as the project itself and the salary.

Other important factors include:

  • 1
    Understanding the growth zone;
  • 2
    Lack of bureaucracy;
  • 3
    Remote work (after the pandemic as well).


We were looking for three Java developers for an IT company that works on complex banking systems. The work did not involve remote employment (this has taken place before the pandemic); the salary and conditions were average for the market. We processed 347 CVs and sent 332 letters, but the specialists were not ready to change their current place of work for similar conditions.

In addition, most of the developers worked remotely and did not seek to switch to working in the office. Having discussed the difficulties with the client, we convinced the company to offer remote work. As a result, we filled three positions within three weeks.
We know that many companies are reluctant to allow their workers to keep working remotely after the pandemic because, as they see it, this format could degrade internal processes, shatter the team spirit, or violate company policies. Don't worry. Remember that the IT market is the candidate's market, and it dictates the conditions to us, and not vice versa.

Therefore, if you need to find a good IT specialist, but you cannot offer conditions that would be significantly better than those offered by other companies, consider allowing your employees to keep working remotely even after the pandemic. This is a very powerful tool for motivating specialists.

Factors that can scare a professional off:

  • A test assignment (worse if it lasts more than half an hour, much worse if it takes place before communicating with the employer);


A few years ago, we worked with a startup whose founder wanted to carry out a 12-hour test (unpaid). We knew in advance that it would be very difficult to find a specialist who would agree to fulfil this technical specification, but the client was uncompromising. As a result, 100% of the candidates were declined at the stage of the technical specification. Having seen the statistics, the client decided to skip this stage, and a week later, we found two finalists, one of whom eventually accepted the offer.
  • Doubtful projects (gambling, websites for adults, etc.);
  • NDA (the candidate cannot receive full information about the project);
  • Inconsistency of requirements and conditions;
  • Lack of interest on behalf of the employer.


For more than two months, we could not find a specialist for a company whose founder believed that motivating is the job of a Recruiter. We did our best to motivate candidates, and many of them reached the stage of the job interview. However, the client did nothing to interest the candidate, was unemotional, and spoke matter-of-factly about the tasks and the project itself. 100% of candidates stopped all hiring negotiations immediately after talking to the potential employer.

But there was another case:

We found Middle+. Net developer for a startup "with a standard set of conditions": a small office on the outskirts of the city, under-the-table salary slightly lower than the average at the market, no bonuses common for the IT industry. In addition, the founder gave no guarantees of financial stability: the money from the second investment round would suffice for 7-8 months.

The finalist, and later a new employee, was found two weeks later. The secret was in the energy of the employer, the founder's great passion for the project. Candidates left the interview as if mesmerized, and that was the main reason for successful employment.

Many companies with offices in small towns are looking for specialists only from their own city, this way reducing the number of appropriate candidates. Contrary to popular belief, a small city is not always an obstacle when it comes to employment with relocation. For example, we found a specialist from St. Petersburg, who agreed to move to a small town where he works on a promising IT project.

TOP-5 needs of an IT specialist

The list was compiled on the basis of interviewing IT specialists by the Lucky Hunter Recruiters as well as a series of interviews we are currently conducting with IT professionals. Salary is not included in the list.
  • 1
    Working on an obviously useful project, doing the right thing, creating an important product;
  • 2
    Working in a cool team (extensive experience, sharing knowledge, networking);
  • 3
    Flexible schedule;
  • 4
    Diversity (the ability to change tasks, projects, develop and try your hand in new directions);
  • 5
    Lack of bureaucracy.
It turns out that in order to fit into the image of a good company, you need to develop a tangibly useful product in the first place. Secondly, you have to correspond to the realities of the market to the extent you can. This includes remote work, flexible working hours, and inspiring tasks for a specialist.

Thirdly, it is important to be motivating, encourage the specialist, and be passionate about the project so that even the most sceptical candidate feels interested in working for your company. And, of course, don't forget about building a positive HR brand. It is essential, as well.

Are you looking for an IT specialist? Contact Lucky Hunter: we will help with the candidate's profile, select suitable CVs, conduct interviews with the best specialists.

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