Techical recruitment: ethical recruiting

Our IT & tech recruitment agency Lucky Hunter always says that in our work we adhere to the principles of partnership, adequacy and mutual respect. This applies not only to working with clients, but also candidates, because candidates are as full participants in the process as employers.

Therefore, we advocate ethics at all stages of the recruitment cycle. Today we will talk about why ethics in general is important in tech recruitment and how to adhere to it.

Search for developers and recruitment in the field of IT: ethics

It all starts from the very beginning of communication with the candidate: this is an assessment of applicants without any discrimination on any basis, a clear and prompt feedback, rapid progress through the funnel, maintaining communication and respectful and pleasant communication. Do not underestimate the importance of ethics at this stage, because not only the employer chooses a candidate, but also the candidate evaluates the company and answers himself the question of how comfortable he will be with further interaction.

Therefore, make sure that ethics is necessarily present in your hiring processes and the selection of IT personnel takes place in compliance with all the principles of respect and adequacy.

Recruitment of IT personnel: risks of unethical recruiting

What is the risk of unethical recruiting? There are several risks for the company. For example, negative reviews that significantly worsen the attractiveness of the company's HR brand in the recruitment market — many candidates, when deciding to participate in a dialogue with a recruiter, are looking for feedback not only from employees, but also from other applicants. With a large number of negative reviews, there is a risk that you will lose candidates even at the first stages of the funnel.

Related to this is another possible risk — the inefficiency of hiring IT staff and finding developers. Due to numerous refusals from candidates, there is a risk that filling the job openings will take much time. Always keep in mind that the optimal selection process is also an important part of ethical recruiting: a very long test task and too many stages is not entirely correct, since this may be a signal of disrespect for the candidates' time.

In addition, unethical recruiting harms building long and strong relationships with applicants.

3 principles of ethical recruiting

How to build ethical recruiting processes? We share three of the most important tips from IT recruiters of the IT recruitment agency Lucky Hunter.
  • Let's get up-to-date information
    It is not necessary to indicate outdated or irrelevant information in vacancies — for example, to overstate wages or mention bonuses that are not currently offered.
  • Build transparent and productive communication
    Openly discuss controversial issues, look for possible solutions together, respect the candidate. Partnerships built on adequacy and mutual respect will not only help to close a vacancy quickly and effectively, but will also have a positive impact on the development of your networking.
  • Plan recruitment processes competently
    Simplify the selection stages, provide feedback in a timely manner, keep your finger on the pulse. This also includes correctly formulated refusals: it is important to correctly identify the reasons and issue feedback in such a way that the candidate does not have an unpleasant aftertaste and demotivation.
If you are in doubt about how best to plan hiring and what to pay attention to, our IT recruiting agency will help you.

Do you need recruitment in the IT field? Leave a request and we will contact you to discuss the details!

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