Test: Gosha's 5 IT professions — guess the occupation!

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Gosha's 5 IT professions –
guess the occupation!
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Gosha's last two weeks have been consisting of crunches and this English honey bun is very tired now : ( However, unfortunately, in the field where Gosha works, crunches are almost always an inevitable attribute of any project. Deadlines are coming and Gosha really needs to develop the concept of a new shooter about bulldog special forces from scratch.

Of course, he has his team, but he still has a huge responsibility and a lot of work: after all, the development of the concept includes not only the general outline of the plot, but also a description of each level, features of the in-game economy. Who does Gosha do for life?
*Crunch — overwork in gamedev
Sorry, you are incorrect! The 3D artist is responsible for the visual component of the game, in particular, they create characters. However, to start creating characters, you first need a general game design.
Incorrect :( Developers (on Unity, Unreal Engine or any other engine that a particular game studio uses) are really an important part of the team, but it all starts with the game designer — you need to create a game design to start working on development.
Right! The game designer is responsible for developing the plot of the game. They think through its features, starting from the descriptions of each level and ending with the details of the in-game economy. Of course, a whole team of other specialists (artists, developers, testers, etc.) works with the game designer, but in order for them to start their activities, first, in any case, it is necessary to make a game design. In the gaming industry, crunches really take place very often, especially before the release of the game.
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Gosha is a developer and regularly codes: to enter data, he enters the command cin >> and << cout to output, the text must be enclosed in quotation marks with 's' after them, and the string must end with endl;.

If Gosha writes the code cout << "My name is Gosha"s << endl; and will launch it, the user will see "My name is Gosha".

What programming language does Gosha use? :)
You are almost right, but not :(Python has slightly different commands, including data input and output. So, if Gosha was coding in Python, he would use input() and print(). However, he uses C++, so he codes according to its rules :)
Right! All the listed attributes above are C++ attributes. By the way, C++ is considered one of the most difficult programming languages, so if you decide to conquer it one day, you have cool ambitions :) Gosha has really great ambitions, that's why he's a C++ developer!
Not quite like that :) Java has other commands, in particular printIn. Gosha is coding, using C++.
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Gosha is not only the freshest bun, an irreplaceable employee and just a handsome man. He is also engaged in an important mission: Gosha's activities help the company secure all its information and data stored digitally. Gosha makes sure that there are no bottlenecks in the system and data theft and attacks do not occur. What is Gosha's profession?
Wrong :( Analysts do work with data, including with big data, but they are not responsible for their security — this is the task of a cybersecurity engineer.
Perfect! Gosha protects the entire company's system from cyber attacks and prevents possible damage. By the way, cybersecurity engineers are among the top most popular IT professions for 2022.
Not exactly :( QAs identify problem areas and bugs, but, again, are not responsible for security. This is done by cybersecurity engineers, and it's Gosha's profession.
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Gosha sincerely loves his relatives — other English bulldogs, so he wants them to feel good and comfortable :) That's exactly what he does — he develops prototypes for the bulldog dating app Bulldoginder, so that it is as user-friendly as possible, functions perfectly and users understand where to click and what to do.

The mission, in fact, is not easy, because you need to work closely with the user experience and understand it. Nevertheless Gosha succeeds and the app with bulldog acquaintances is a success! Who does Gosha do for life?

Almost correct, but no! The product designer sets the tone for the whole product, and, of course, affects how it will then be perceived by users. And the UX /UI designer just creates an interface that is convenient and functional for the user, taking into account user experience.
Alas, no :) A marketer does not design interfaces, they work with product promotion. But the UX/UI designer, whom Gosha works as, is closely studying the user experience and creating solutions for an app based on it.
Exactly! It is the UX/UI designer who helps the company find optimal solutions for its apps. When developing the interface design, they focus on the user experience and pay attention to all the details and nuances that are important to users.
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Gosha works in one of the largest bulldog corporations — the popular online market Bulldog.Market. Bulldog.Market presents a variety of products, ranging from harnesses and ending with Halloween costumes for dogs. Gosha's task is to monitor various bugs and bottlenecks in the system in a timely manner so that the team can eliminate them and everything works properly. What is Gosha's profession?
Right! Gosha identifies problem areas, and then another team solves them. As a rule, bugs come out after each update (and not only), so it is very important to have QA in the company. Bulldog.Market is lucky, because they have Gosha!
Incorrect :(Technical support specialists work with user requests, but do not test the software themselves. However, the QAs usually find various bugs.
No! Developers offer various solutions, but QAs are engaged in the search for bugs and problem areas. They identify a bug, but the developers are rushing to help fix it :)
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It was a real challenge but Gosha is happy you've made it! Now let's conquer the IT market.
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