The image of an IT professional in different countries. How much do software developers get paid?

In the CIS and Eastern European countries, every year there are more and more people who want to start their career in tech industry: this is understandable, given that the IT field here is one of the most highly paid. However, is there a similar situation in other countries? Discussing it in our new article and debunking popular stereotypes :)

Eastern Europe

At some point in Eastern Europe, the salaries of senior IT talents reached 500 thousand rubles net. This is due to the constant shortage of personnel, high competition for each candidate (before the crisis that came after February 24, companies started to “outbid” specialists from competitors, which also had a strong impact on salary wages). Moreover, IT in CIS region is inherently high marginality, unlike other industries, which, again, affects the remuneration of specialists.

Therefore, at some point in the Eastern European region, the stereotype of tech professionals as rich young people with Apple laptops, often working somewhere from Thailand, became firmly entrenched :)

However, are there such big differences in salaries of IT talents and employees from other industries in all countries? You may be surprised, but the situation abroad is somewhat different. It will be problematic to cover all the countries of the world in one article, so for a start we will limit ourselves to two — the UK and the USA.


So, according to the Indeed job search service, the average annual salary of a senior Java developer in the UK is 76,262 pounds.

At the same time, the average experienced dentist in the UK is 76,338 pounds, a partner in a law firm — 66, 169 pounds, a psychiatrist — 89,511 pounds.


According to Indeed, in the USA, the average salary of the same senior Java developer for 12 months is 121,844 $. Psychiatrist— 35,156 $, pediatrician — 115,076 $, senior architect — 124,800 $.

Moreover, based on the results obtained during an anonymous survey of Indeed users, the picture presented below turned out — the diagram shows that IT is not ahead of other industries in terms of average wages.
Why is that? In fact, everything is quite simple: such a difference with salary forks in Eastern Europe is explained by the difference in the economies of countries and the standard of living — for example, in many foreign countries the living wage is higher, as well as generally more or less the same wages for qualified professionals, especially in certain areas: healthcare, finance, law. Therefore, the IT industry abroad is often not “ahead of the entire planet”, but rather keeps pace with the level of salaries for professionals from other fields.

However, everything changes very quickly and it is often quite difficult to determine salary forks for IT talents. If you need help to navigate the market realities of today, you can contact our IT recruitment agency and order salary and compensation analytics, as well as any IT market research. Of course, if you need the selection of IT personnel or the search for software developers, our technical recruitment agency will also be happy to help.

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