IT recruitment services for Russian-speaking founders

2022 was the year when many founders from Russia and Belarus began to relocate their businesses from unstable regions to safer countries. However, when it became necessary to expand the team, many of them faced the fact that recruiting abroad, in some aspects, is quite different from recruiting in Russia.

Different speed

Earlier we have already written about the differences in communication with candidates in different regions: for example, the most prompt interaction, as a rule, takes place with candidates in Eastern Europe, rather than in Western and the USA. This works both ways: recruiters in the last two regions also appreciate the slowness of responses, a smooth transition from small talk directly to discussing a vacancy with a client, and can respond to emails for several days.

There is a small problem here for those who have previously interacted with the Russian-speaking IT recruiting market and are used to more rapid communication on vacancies, candidates, and all related issues. What could be the way out? Either accept the fact that recruiting processes take place differently in different countries and accept it, or turn to a tech recruitment agency that has experience working with the Russian-speaking segment of clients and candidates as well.

Same mindset

As our practice shows, the presence of common roots and a similar mindset is one of the main secrets of productive cooperation. Usually, in this situation, the customer and the contractor look in the same direction, understand each other perfectly, and build the most comfortable and effective interaction: we have the same view on many aspects of recruitment, the same pace of work, and the coincidence of points of view on recruiting processes.

Database of Russian-speaking IT talents

It is often more comfortable for Russian-speaking founders to recruit a team of Russian-speaking tech talents. Agencies specializing in working with customers with Russian roots usually have large bases of Russian-speaking IT talents in a variety of IT profiles, including even rare specializations.

Recruitment of IT personnel by IT & tech recruitment agency

For those who have been with us recently: our agency was born in St. Petersburg. For several years we have been working internationally, cooperating with large IT companies and promising startups around the world. A significant part of our clients are, among others, Russian-speaking founders who have created or relocated their business abroad — we help with the recruitment of tech talents, including executive search, as well as conduct IT market research.

Thanks to a similar mindset, we quickly find a common language and build an optimal strategy for recruiting tech talents. The presence of our database of candidates, collected by our IT recruiting agency for several years, allows us to find experienced specialists motivated to cooperate in a short time. In addition, as practice shows, often founders and candidates, if they have common roots, understand each other better, and match happens faster.

If you are expanding the team and the search for developers and technical recruitment is relevant for you, leave a request — we will contact you to discuss your case and coordinate further stages of work.

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