To find a mobile developer. IT recruitment agency Lucky Hunter

Finding mobile developers is always quite a challenging task: despite the changed global economic situation, the IT market in certain regions (for example, in Eastern Europe and CIS countries) is still a candidate market, so the demand for experienced mobile developers remains high. As a rule, a candidate communicates with several companies at once and chooses the most attractive offer, so it is important to understand the specifics of hiring in order to successfully fill the job openings.

In this article, we tell you what Android mobile developers generally do and share a few important tips that will help you quickly find the Android developer of your dreams.

Hiring Android developers: what they do

Who is an Android developer? In general, this is the same person who creates all those apps that you see when you log into Google Play. Apps can be very different: from mobile games to your favorite food delivery app.

Despite the fact that this profile remains one of the most popular in the IT hiring market, there is still an acute shortage of personnel, especially if it is necessary to fill a job opening with a talent with extensive work experience and find a senior Android developer. How to build an effective hiring structure in such conditions? Clearly understand your key requirements for the candidate and the tasks for which he is required to solve, offer market conditions and be well-versed in the specifics of the position.

Find an Android developer: initial selection

First of all, decide what kind of professional background a potential new team member should have. This must be understood at the start, because for different grades of IT talents, the conditions, motivation strategy and other important factors differ — so, more experienced developers will cost more, while junior professionals will be motivated by the opportunity to gain valuable experience for further career development. The key to success is adequate conditions, which we mentioned above, and an offer that will have value for candidates and will favorably distinguish you from competitors.

So, there are three main grades of developers:
  • Junior Android Developer
    As a rule, these are novice specialists who do not have serious commercial experience and need a mentor. Basically, their portfolio includes simple apps or educational projects (this is often found if the candidate has completed specialized courses).

    Such a talent can be an excellent assistant for middle and senior Android developers, but it's better not to take a junior professional as the only developer in the team, because at this stage they often need the help of a more experienced employee, so the ideal option is to hire a junior mobile developer in a team where there are already developers of higher grades.
  • Middle Android Developers
    It is a mistake to believe that there is a clear gradation depending on the number of years worked: so, with due diligence and work on a complex project, a junior developer can grow to middle in a year, and, conversely, a candidate can work on a project for several years and not move forward. Therefore, when searching for a middle developer, it is better not to focus on years of work, but look specifically at the experience and ability to work independently.

    In general, the main difference between middle developers and juniors is that they already have experience working with complex Android-based projects and do not need dense mentoring like junior developers.
  • Senior Android Developers
    The same principle that we wrote about above works here: it is better to pay attention not to the number of years worked by a professional, but to the projects on which he worked. So, senior Android developers, as a rule, were already engaged in large complex projects, led them and managed by a team of less experienced developers.
Of course, to find a mobile developer on Android, it is important to understand the technical features of the position. So, when selecting Android developers, pay attention to their knowledge of Java, experience with the API and knowledge of the principles of backend at least at a basic level.

Pay attention to soft skills as well: it is a mistake to focus only on hard skills, since soft skills, among other things, will help you navigate how the candidate fits in spirit and culture into a particular company, how they build communication with a potential employer and interact with the team. Take a closer look at such soft skills as the ability to work in a team, leadership qualities (especially if you are recruiting senior Android developers who will manage the team in the future), communication skills and the ability to take responsibility for their decisions.

Mobile developers recruitment: where to look for the tech talents

If you haven't read our article about ways to find IT personnel yet, it's time to do it! There we not only told in detail which recruiting services are used by IT recruitment agencies when selecting mobile developers, but also how to organize hiring on your own.

Nevertheless, when forming a candidate search strategy, it is important to take into account the features of a particular profile. For example, in the case of recruiting Android developers, you should pay attention to “additional” places of their habitation in addition to the already familiar thematic telegram chats and LinkedIn: for example, most mobile developers have profiles on GitHub, often discuss professional topics, ask questions and share experiences on Stackoverflow and exchange news about their projects on Brainstorage. Use this as one of your tools for finding developers and recruiting staff in the IT field :)

We hope that the article helped to better navigate what to focus on when it is necessary to select Android developers and plan a search strategy.

If you are at a loss where to start or a specialist is urgently needed, send us an application for the selection of mobile developers — our recruiters will select IT personnel, offer talented and highly qualified talents from our database, and fill even a complex job opening within two weeks.

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