Ace your interview: Guide from Lucky Hunter

Do you feel overwhelmed with confused thoughts, a racing heart, and cold sweat while thinking about your upcoming interview? Do not worry: you are not alone! Even seasoned professionals can find interviewing a nerve-wracking experience: the pressure to showcase your skills and secure the desired position can be extremely stressful.

Read Lucky Hunter's guide to know what to expect from the interview process and how to prepare to pass it successfully. As the saying goes: –"Praemonitus, praemunitus" – forewarned is forearmed.

First things first

What does it mean to pass an interview successfully? If you:
  • Received a job offer that corresponds to your career goals;
  • Have a clear understanding of your responsibilities;
  • Received a job offer with a desired salary, bonuses, or other perks;
  • Received an opportunity to develop professionally and expand your knowledge and skills.
Congratulations – you have successfully passed the interview.
Remember, interviews are not just for the employers to evaluate you – they are also an opportunity for you to learn more about the company, its projects, and the team. It is crucial to ensure the position and company align with your personal and professional goals just as much as you align with theirs. At Lucky Hunter, we call this a perfect match.

How many levels are there?

Candidates in IT companies usually undergo multiple interviews to evaluate their technical expertise and communication skills. However, the number of interview stages may vary depending on the company, position, and urgency of the hiring process. While some companies may have only two interview stages, others may add more depending on the circumstances. Let's go over the levels you'll need to pass to land your dream job!

First level: An interview with HR or a recruiter

The goal

The goal of the first interview is to make a first acquaintance.

The recruiter or HR aims to ensure that candidates meet the fundamental requirements of the position, ask questions related to the candidate's resume, evaluate communication skills and enthusiasm, and provide information about the company, projects, and the vacancy.

How long does it last?

It usually takes from 20 to 30 minutes.

Useful tips

  • Prepare in advance
    Familiarise yourself with the vacancy and the company. Study the website and offer to understand who the company is looking for.
  • Don’t be shy!
    Review your resume and prepare to confidently answer questions about yourself. When doing so, highlight your achievements and relevant experience that match the requirements of the position. However, if your resume includes experience that may not appear directly relevant to the job, consider how you can turn it to your advantage.
  • Make questions
    Prepare a few questions for the recruiter to clarify details about the position and the company. This could give you a better understanding of the role and company culture. It may also help you determine whether or not the job is suitable for you.

Second level: Test Assignment

The goal

The goal is to evaluate the candidate's technical knowledge and ability to solve complex problems under time constraints. The test can be conducted online (live coding) or be a homework assignment.
At Lucky Hunter, we consider traditional IT test assignments unnecessary and outdated in today's recruitment process. Many companies choose to forgo these tests, and we completely agree with them! After all, time is of the essence in IT recruiting.

How long does it last?

It all depends on the company: from a 15-minute online test to 2-3 hours of work at home.

Useful tips

  • Take your time
    Whether you're coding online or in person, take the time to fully understand the problem and consider all possible solutions before diving into coding.
  • Be ready to explain
    When presenting your solution, be prepared to explain and justify your approach, highlighting the reasoning behind your choices.
  • Don't worry about mistakes
    It's okay to make mistakes. During a test, your thought process and reasoning are as important as your ability to write correct code. So, if you encounter a mistake or error, take a deep breath, step back, and approach the problem from a different angle.

Third level: Technical Interview

The goal

The goal of this stage is to evaluate the candidate's technical knowledge and skills. Typically, a technical specialist or project manager will conduct the assessment and ask questions about programming languages, databases, algorithms, and data structures. This stage is crucial, as it provides an opportunity for you to showcase your talents, experience, and logical reasoning.

How long does it last?

About 1.5 hours.

Useful tips

  • Preparation is key
    To prepare for technical interviews, ensure you are familiar with the skills and technologies relevant to your specialisation and the position you're applying for. This may include programming languages, algorithms, databases, and other related topics.
  • Stay calm
    Try staying calm and focused, even if you encounter a difficult question or task. Take a deep breath and think through the problem logically, drawing on your experience and knowledge to guide you. If you're unsure of an answer, it's okay to admit it and ask for clarification.
  • Be prepared for follow-up questions
    The interviewer may ask follow-up questions or ask you to clarify your thought process. Be ready to explain your reasoning and defend your approach, but also be open to feedback and willing to adapt your thinking as needed.

Fourth level: Interview with the Team

The goal

The goal of this interview is to evaluate your skills and experience to determine if you are a good fit for the position in their team.

How long does it last?

It typically lasts between 30 minutes to an hour.

Useful tips

  • Train your communication skills
    Effective communication is essential in the IT industry, so practise speaking clearly and persuasively at home. If English is not your first language, spend extra time practising to build your confidence and fluency.
  • Ask thoughtful questions
    Prepare a list of questions to ask the team. This demonstrates your interest in the position and the company and also provides an opportunity to learn more about the company culture, team dynamics, and expectations.

Final Boss: Interview with the CEO or CTO

The goal

The goal of this interview is to evaluate your professional skills, potential, and interest in the job.

Useful tips

  • Last effort
    As you prepare for the final stages of the interview process, make sure to review information about the company, its products, and its services. Be ready to answer questions related to your work experience, skills, and problem-solving abilities.
  • Show your enthusiasm
    Prepare a few thoughtful questions for the CEO or CTO, showcasing your interest in the company and its business. Don't hesitate to demonstrate why you would be an excellent addition to their team.
  • Almost at the finish line
    Making it to this stage is a positive sign! Savour the chance to converse with a successful person.

You've completed the interviews — what happens now?

You've done everything in your power: it is time to take a deep breath and wait for an offer.

Lucky Hunter provides a range of services, including recruitment, IT research, executive search, and relocation assistance for IT professionals. Visit our website to learn more about our services and fill out the form: we will contact you as soon as possible.

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