Uncertain About Hiring Android Developers?

Here are some reasons for the same
Nowadays, every venture is being digitized due to significant requirements of applications among people. They utilize numerous types of applications daily to satisfy their needs. Hence, many entrepreneurs have shifted their businesses online by creating solutions using various technologies.

They also earn a considerable income through these platforms. It is because the preferences of mobile users have changed. People utilize various sorts of applications available in the application store. Moreover, solutions built with one of two operating systems: Android or iOS, are preferred mostly by people.
But Android holds more users as compared to its biggest competitor, iOS. There are about 2.8 billion users, according to the 2022 report, while iOS has 1.65 billion.
Thus, many startup owners are still left and fascinated to create their Android applications by hiring Android programmers.

If you are one of them, then by reading this post, you will learn about various kinds of applications that can be created by appointing Android developers and specific appealing reasons for hiring them. Refer to every section mentioned below.

Types of Applications That Can Be Built By Hiring Android Coders

There are many different types of ventures running online, as there are numerous categories of solutions being launched in the play store. Mainly three different kinds of applications can be developed by hiring Android programmers, and they are stated below:

Native Apps

These apps are built in such a way that they can make maximum utilization of several tools and attributes of devices such as contacts, photos, cameras, sensors, etc. By creating native apps, you also receive high-performance and appealing user interface design that attracts a massive user base to your application.

So, it’s fine to appoint Android programmers, but only those who know Java, Kotlin, and XML scripting languages that are essential for building Native solutions in Android.

Web Apps

Also, web applications can be built by hiring Android mobile developers, as they can create web apps for your business by making a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Web apps provide the same functionality to users; only the difference between native and web apps is the need for internet.

Native platforms run offline, but web apps require an internet connection to be executed. Gmail and Google Docs are examples of web apps, so appointing Android programmers would help you develop web apps and mobile applications.

Hybrid Apps

If not the earlier discussed types, then you can also create your hybrid application by appointing Android programmers, as they only need to write a single code to make a platform compatible to run on multiple platforms. The solution can run on Android and iOS and on devices equipped with many other technologies. Hence, by hiring Android developers, you can get hybrid solutions ready for your business.
Thus, above mentioned categories of applications can be built by Android coders. If you are looking for Android developers to hire from technology firms possessing sufficient experience and skillsets to create practical solutions for your business. In the following section, many supporting reasons are discussed that would motivate you to appoint them.

Reasons for Appointing Android Developers

Before knowing the specific points to recruit them, the foremost thing you might have noticed is that Android has become the most popular operating system(OS) on the globe. By building an Android application through developers, you, as a startup owner, would benefit your enterprise by certain aspects.

You might be wondering what might be the reasons for hiring Android programmers to create a business solution. To know them all, refer to each of them discussed below; it would give you a significant boost to appoint Android coders.

Larger Market

If you analyze the global market share of operating systems, then Android secures the maximum market share of 83.32%, which indicates the usage of Android apps among people worldwide for fulfilling their purposes. Launching your Android solution in the play store would help your business achieve a reputed position soon, which says that appointing Android coders to create an app for your venture is an excellent choice to go with.

Open Source

The biggest takeaway of appointing Android developers is they gain access to everything that the community requires to provide. It involves getting free royalty, licensing, and many other benefits. In addition, an open-source characteristic of Android allows programmers to enhance the solutions easily and solve various issues by accessing the latest attributes of a platform without any charges, which would help in reducing the maintenance cost of your solution considerably.

Simpler To Adopt

Android technology is built using Java, and most coders are familiar with that programming language. It will help numerous programmers to solve the complex issues occurring in your solution. The developers would be able to quickly solve errors because they receive multiple attributes to access from its vast library.

Optimized SEO

Developing an Android application which means that you will host it through the Google Play Store. Once when your Android solution is placed inside it, you don’t need to dedicate any extra SEO efforts for receiving the top indexing in Google’s library. It will automatically be listed in the upper index. It will assist your business in gaining significant site page views in a minimal period.

In short, developing Android solutions by appointing programmers from renowned firms will help your venture earn considerable fame among users easily.
By knowing the reasons mentioned above, you might be excited to create your Android application to achieve a reputed position in the market. Apart from these points, just by witnessing the demand for Android platforms among smartphone users, you will get fascinated to opt for developing Android solutions.

Parting Words

Today, Android solutions are highly utilized by mobile users from all over, due to which numerous entrepreneurs have already shifted their ventures online by getting the Android platform ready and are earning significant revenue from it. If you, too, are now willing and motivated to build an Android application for your business by appointing Android developers.
Lily Laster
Guest author

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